Ribbet Help

Ribbet uses a secure connection (SSL) to keep your secrets secret. We're having a problem creating a secure connection from your machine to ours.

Check your system clock has the correct date and time

The most frequent cause of this error is your computer having an incorrect date. How to set the system time

Try this shortcut to go directly into Ribbet


Make sure Flash has enough storage space

Finally, right click (control click for Macs) over this slideshow:

Select Settings... and a box will appear. Click the tab with a file folder and a green arrow (the 3rd tab). Choose Allow and then click the Close button.

Ribbet needs the space in order to save your sign-in, your last picture, and other conveniences.

Virus Detectors, Firewalls and Ad-blockers

If you're using a personal Internet firewall, anti-virus program or ad-blocking plugin, it could be blocking the Flash portions of Ribbet.

· Try temporarily disabling such programs or plugins entirely as a test

· If that fixes the issue, try allowing access to www.Ribbet.com from the settings of those programs or plugins and then restart your browser

Still need help?

We'd be happy to help and you can always reach out to us here.